Post-gamejam bugfixes and adjustments

Lots of updates in this build version!

The exciting and good:

  • On defeating The Pitmaster, you receive a special reward

The bugfixes and balances:

  • Bugfix: Pitmaster's AOE DOT shouldn't overlap the exit portal
  • Bugfix: The Anomaly combat HUD shouldn't overlap dialogue boxes and notifications
  • Bugfix: Stuck, not able to move after leaving The Anomaly bug (not fully tested, still trying to  figure out how to reproduce it, would appreciate reports how)
  • Bugfix: BBQ box now always gets removed after customer leaves
  • Bugfix: Chipp/Super Smile HUD button prompt don't display when you have other menus open
  • Bugfix: Chipp/Super Smile shouldn't be usable in The Anomaly or while the game is paused or in menu


SmokeBoxBBQV0.007 [after gamejam deadline, last minute fixes] 71 MB
24 days ago

Get Smoke Box BBQ: Hickory-Smoked Anomaly

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